My life in LSE

LSE. Quite honestly, I never knew I would end up in a business school. From Beacon house to matriculation and then to A levels is what my education background looks like. Full of variety. LSE was not the first choice I had in mind (Neither was LUMS 😛 ). I still ended up here. In a place full of people I still don’t understand. In a system which is confused in itself. It took me one semester, 2 courses and a break of 10 days right in the middle of a semester to tell myself that this is happening. I have to go through with this. The only thing that got me settled in LSE was the extracurricular department. Joined every society I could, became a president of one (abandoned society) in my second year and worked like a maniac for a year and a half in every event big or small until I reached here, as a president of which I can proudly call as one of the biggest and certainly the most active society in LSE. (Proud of You, LSNB ❤ ) What’s the benefit of all this? Exposure and more importantly, experience. Today, I provide outsourced digital media services to food chains and restaurants. Where did I learn those skills? Yeah. Extracurriculars. Apart from that, I have a firm belief that you should have something other than a good GPA which can actually differentiate you from others. For me, it’s the extracurricular work. Talking of GPA, next time when a senior tells you that you can only score GPA in the first year or the first semester, tell them to shut up and mind their own business, as this is the biggest myth people have come up with. I had a GPA of 1.75 in my first semester, and a CGPA of 2.4 at the end of first year. Currently, after the 1st semester of 3rd year, I am at 3.01 CGPA despite being a determined back bencher and a regular class-ditcher. So Yeah, Take a chill. For those who say LSE doesn’t spare us any time in our lives, let me tell you, time is what you have to create yourself. Time is something which depends on how you manage it, and trust me, it’s never too less. So while you are here at LSE, invest some time in something other than studies, something productive. (Other than dating, mind you.) Explore your options, get into field work, for these might be the last free days of your life.

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