Exploring the Pak Army !

I am Rana Nabeel, a guy born in Germany and lived there for 10 years later on shifted to pakistan. Until that age all about I heard about it was that there are thief’s all around and you get bombed at any moment over here! HAHA i laugh at people who have such a perception…

How I see ?

My name is Ali Aleem. Currently studying in Lahore school of economics (LSE), doing Majors in Marketing and minor in Media studies. And just like you all, im still trying to figure out everything. The best time of the day for me is Dusk. Dusk, one of the true revelations of the wonders of the…

Live It Right

I am Ahsan Iftikhar, Just like another 22year old in Pakistan, am currently enrolled in a Bachelors programme. Studying BBA in Lahore School Of Economics. I had a very different vision towards education than other people around me. Many believe getting better grades is the only way to get a good life yet I on…

“The Artist within you”

An artist is someone who creates art it can be anyone from a plumber to install pipes, a doctor to operate or a driver to drive the car. It is not specified just to a person who paints and draws something on a canvas. There are certain types of arts and famous artists who put…

Journey through my life

I always had a passion for cars. People used to say that I loved a material thing i.e. a car, more than the people, but for me a car could never be just a thing. Its my passion, my love and what i always dream of. I wanted to be an automotive engineer but sadly…

We don’t choose what we want to be!

Believing on the fact that everyone in this world is given only one chance to live, but disentangling the skepticism about choosing what a person wants to be and what he chooses to be is the critical yet the most hindered errand. My story is not any extraordinary one, but it is my episode of…

My Story!

There comes a time in your life when you see your own life flashing before your eyes showing you your decisions that led you here and this makes you think ” Is this the thing I want to spend my life doing?, Is this where I want to be?, Is this the way I am…

A glimpse of my life

After experiencing the highs of a healthy relationship and the lows of an unhealthy relationship, I felt that I had seen the happiness that relationships can bring, as well as the sadness that often results from heartbreak. When I found myself single after a few years spent in different relationships, I thought things would return…

It Goes On

Life is something that happens while you are making plans for other things. This quote which I read back in 2014 from Rumi changed my life forever. At a very tender age I learned the art of seeing things through a different view and always stuck on my ideology to see the bigger picture. My…

A Regular Day at LSE

The view of the basketball court, from the bench where I am currently sitting, is that of a normal day at a university. The students are roaming around, socializing among their friends. It is the end of March and the weather has started to become hot and humid with each passing day. Everyone is looking…

My Wayward Journey to Mahudand Village

My name is Saad and I Love Travelling. As every year we get our Summer Vacations, so its a perfect time for me to visit Northern Areas of Pakistan. Last Year we had this Summer Vacation, so me and my couple of friends decided to visit the Beautiful City of Swat. If we talk about…

Break Free

This is the story of an ordinary girl who dared to defy all odds, who dared to dream. She was told that she won’t be able to survive beyond the boundaries of her home,  she was told that girls are meant to get married, she was told that “tumne parh k kya kerna hai?” In our…

Silent Things

I have always found myself looking at the color changing skies and the roads whenever I go somewhere rather it be a road trip or going to the university. If you’ll look at the sky changing its colors, it’ll trigger a realization of the fact that we are a part of something huge. A few…

Life- A Journey, Not a Destination

I am a student of Lahore School of Economics with a passion for traveling, animals and art. My aim is to bring some value to the world through my work and help others achieve their dreams while fulfilling my own vision. As I am a university student and have to attend classes, it gets hectic…

Categorizing ourselves

My name is Wahaj Saeed and as i grew up, this world of people constantly changed my perceptions about them. The upbringing that came from my parents in the early childhood has helped a lot in determining my attitudes. As we grow up we realize that our parents were right and they always wanted a better…


Being born in a family with success as their middle name .. it was never going to be an easy task to fulfill their expectations. My father began his life in a very poor household, walking his way up to the point where my life could begin. He has always had his believe in handwork…

Unfolding knots

This is Maham Naeem. 21 years old. I’m a student of Lahore School of Economics. I’m in Third year studying Marketing and Media. Like others, I love reading novels but I’m not a novelist. The best part about novels is they let you travel without moving your feet. And I just wanted to share my…

Come Take a Ride With me.

Trying to impress everyone, I cycled around the park as fast as I could. The loud cheers and the positive energy kept me going until I tripped over that enormous ugly rock. I start heading down the road but my front wheel kicked the rock and I start hurdling forward. I take a deep breath…

Life of a hostilite in Pakistan.

I am Naufil Faisal. An average young adult who’s doing his bachelors from Lahore school of economics. Sometimes life leads you to paths where you have to make few crucial decisions. Just as I made a decision 3 years ago of making choice in my life. Sometimes you get stuck between two options where you…


Once a primary school teacher set an assignment for a group of students to write what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some wrote teacher, some astronauts , some wrote doctors. When she was marking through the papers she noticed that one of the boys had written down the word “happy” She went up…

The Mysterious DEOSAI

I am M.Musa Hayat, just another adult going through pretty much the same life as we all are, smiling, crying, wishing, hoping, breaking, getting up and all other emotions.   I am a student of Lahore School of Economics and I have a very interesting tale that needs to be shared. I still remember the…


  My name is Saleha Zainab , 22 years old, doing bachelors from LAHORE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Travelling is my passion and have a soft spot for dreamy stories. I am tried of people saying that they are bored . I am tried of people complaint that they don’t love what they do and. People…