struggle is real

My name is farman ali zafar and i’ll be talking about the struggle that changed my life. 2 years ago i went to Naran kaghan with my friends for a week. 2 years ago me I was really excited to know that it would be the most memorable trip of my life. I still remember…

Travelling, My passion

I am Muhammad Raza and travelling is my passion I went to istanbul, turkey on 5 of august 2017 from lahore, Pakistan. I had never been there before but I did all research about the area and how to travel from one place to other. I reached at 11AM and because of long flight I…

How I Became a Writer…

My journey to being a writer was inspired and refined by my love for reading. I was in grade 5 when I picked up my first novel to read. It was inspired by the sister of my best friend; Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. From that novel began my intense journey into the world…


The eyes are the window of your soul .

Cricket My life

Hi, This is Muhammad Mahin Awais currently enrolled in 3rd year of BBA in Lahore school of economics. As I’m a cricket lover so I’ll be sharing my cricket’s one match experience here It was Sunday morning when I went to play cricket.The match was a must win game. As I’m a bowler so The…

Follow Your Clock

I always thought that it’s too late now, I completed my O and A levels with average grades and repeated a year. I was never sure of what I wanted to do with my life and felt like I am far behind the place I wanted to be at. All my friends and age mates were…

My first School

School life is the life that no-one can ever forget. I never had to change schools much often or at least that’s what i think, people usually change schools after every 2 years or so. But i changed my school thrice in total. I remember my first school and the fun i used to have…

My name is Bilal Gundra, 21 years old, doing bachelors from lahore school of economics. My passion is sports and sports has influenced my life alot and i would be explining this lifetime experiemce thorugh this blog.. “Success Is Counted Sweetest by Those Who Never Succeed” Perhaps my father had imprinted this quote on his…

Dolphin Show in world

    A delphinium is an aquariums for  dolphins. The dolphins are usually kept in a large pool, though occasionally they may be kept in pens in the open sea, either for research or for public performances. Some dolphinariums consist of one pool where dolphins perform for the public, others are part of larger parks, such…

Between the Lines

Moving from one city to another, has been my whole life. As much fun as it sounds, it always used to be hard and gloomy to leave behind everything, from the house to the routines to the friends. Leaving the people behind has always been the toughest part of moving to various places, knowing that…